Poem A Day: If It Is True What the Prophets Write Explanation

by Angela

Welcome to Poem of the Day – If It Is True What the Prophets Write by William Blake

William Blake, a renowned poet and artist of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, was known for his unique blend of mysticism, spirituality, and social critique. His poem “If It Is True What the Prophets Write” stands as a powerful example of his ability to weave complex ideas into simple yet profound verses.

If It Is True What the Prophets Write Poem

If it is true, what the Prophets write,
That the heathen gods are all stocks and stones,
Shall we, for the sake of being polite,
Feed them with the juice of our marrow-bones?

And if Bezaleel and Aholiab drew
What the finger of God pointed to their view,
Shall we suffer the Roman and Grecian rods
To compel us to worship them as gods?

They stole them from the temple of the Lord
And worshipp’d them that they might make inspirèd art abhorr’d;

The wood and stone were call’d the holy things,
And their sublime intent given to their kings.
All the atonements of Jehovah spurn’d,
And criminals to sacrifices turn’d.

If It Is True What the Prophets Write Explanation

Overview of the Poem

The poem “If It Is True What the Prophets Write” explores the idea of divine prophecy and the relationship between human beings and the divine. In just a few short lines, Blake reflects on the eternal truths that prophets and seers have written throughout history, questioning their relevance and the way humanity has responded to them.

Blake uses a straightforward structure, yet his ideas invite deep reflection on spiritual beliefs, human nature, and the consequences of ignoring the teachings of the prophets.

The Poem’s Meaning

At its core, the poem grapples with the tension between spiritual truth and human action. Blake challenges the conventional religious interpretations of his time, asking readers to consider whether the messages of prophets—who speak for divine truth—are being heeded or misunderstood by the world.

Blake was deeply critical of institutionalized religion, and in this poem, he suggests that if the messages of the prophets were truly understood and embraced, the world would be transformed. The central question of the poem implies that true spiritual insight should lead to a better understanding of the world and human relationships.

Exploring the Themes

Prophecy and Divine Truth: The poem reflects Blake’s belief in the power of prophecy. Prophets, in Blake’s view, are not merely predictors of the future, but messengers of eternal truths. Their words have a divine quality, meant to inspire spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of life’s mysteries.

Human Nature and Spiritual Blindness: Another central theme in the poem is the idea of human resistance to divine truth. Blake often wrote about humanity’s tendency to ignore or distort spiritual messages. In this poem, he emphasizes the human inclination to overlook the wisdom of the prophets, perhaps out of pride, ignorance, or fear.

Transformation and Redemption: Finally, Blake’s work is often concerned with the potential for human transformation. He believed that by embracing the divine truth delivered through prophecy, individuals and society could experience redemption and achieve a higher state of being. The poem suggests that if people truly understood the prophets’ messages, it would lead to a more enlightened and compassionate world.

Language and Style

Blake’s language in this poem is simple, but each word is carefully chosen to carry deep significance. His use of everyday language makes the poem accessible, while its layered meaning encourages further contemplation. This style is characteristic of much of Blake’s work, where profound philosophical and spiritual ideas are conveyed in straightforward, yet evocative, language.


William Blake’s “If It Is True What the Prophets Write” is a thought-provoking piece that calls readers to consider the relevance of divine prophecy and the human response to spiritual truths. It encourages reflection on the potential for transformation and the role of the individual in embracing or rejecting the wisdom of the prophets.

Blake’s poem is a timeless reminder of the power of spiritual insight and the human capacity for both growth and ignorance. His words remain as a challenge to all of us to consider the deeper truths that might guide our lives, if only we are willing to listen.

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