Renowned performance poet Agbeye Oburumu, known by his stage name Agbeye Talks, has been awarded the prestigious K.E.E.P (Kudo Eseria Eke Prize) Award. The accolade recognizes his outstanding contributions to performance poetry and his focus on critical social issues.
Agbeye’s work sheds light on pressing topics such as domestic violence, mental health, and the empowerment of the girl child. The award underscores not only his artistic talent but also the significance of his voice in fostering societal awareness and change.
In a statement released by his media office, it was noted that Agbeye integrates local color, proverbs, and storytelling into his performances. His deep connection to cultural heritage allows him to explore themes of identity and memory with authenticity and depth.
“The impact of Agbeye Talks on the community, society, and the nation is profound. His poetry promotes African heritage, challenges stereotypes, and instills pride in the continent’s diverse cultural legacy,” the statement read.
Looking to the future, Agbeye envisions a dynamic evolution of the genre, incorporating multimedia elements such as music, visual arts, and technology to enrich performance poetry and push the boundaries of artistic expression.
Agbeye has showcased his talents at numerous literary festivals and academic colloquiums, bringing his insightful work to a broader audience. His receipt of the K.E.E.P Award is a testament to his dedication and passion for the craft.
Through his art, Agbeye not only entertains but also educates and inspires. This recognition further strengthens his influence as a champion of African culture and storytelling, reaffirming his commitment to societal growth through poetry.