A Poem A Day: Hear the Voice of the Bard Explanation

by Angela

Welcome to Poem of the Day – Hear the Voice of the Bard by William Blake

William Blake, a visionary poet and artist, is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in English literature. One of his most powerful works is the poem “Hear the Voice of the Bard”, which is part of his collection titled Songs of Experience (1794). This collection explores the contrasts between innocence and experience, and in this poem, Blake invites the reader to listen to the voice of the Bard, a symbolic figure that represents wisdom, prophetic vision, and the voice of society.

Hear the Voice of the Bard Explanation

Overview of the Poem

The poem consists of three stanzas, each of which carries significant meaning. The Bard in the poem serves as a medium through which Blake communicates his ideas about the state of humanity, the power of vision, and the role of the poet. The Bard’s voice is described as one that calls out to humanity, urging them to hear the truth that is hidden from ordinary sight. The central themes of the poem are spirituality, social critique, and the prophetic power of the poet.

Stanza 1: The Bard’s Call

The first stanza introduces the Bard’s voice as one that “calls” out to the earth. This “voice” is not simply a call but a command to listen. Blake uses strong imagery to describe the Bard’s message. The “harp” that the Bard plays represents the poet’s instrument of communication. The “harp” is a traditional symbol for poetry, and its music serves as the Bard’s method of conveying a divine message. The Bard urges the listener to awaken from slumber and hear the profound truths he is about to reveal.

Blake’s use of the Bard here signifies the poet as someone who brings forth insights that are often ignored or misunderstood by society. It implies that the poet, through his art, has a direct connection to divine wisdom and can reveal hidden truths about the world.

Stanza 2: The Vision of Experience

In the second stanza, Blake delves into a powerful critique of society and human suffering. He writes of “the valley of the shadow of death,” referring to the suffering and moral decay that surrounds the poet’s environment. This image is a reflection of the state of humanity—blinded by its desires and disconnected from its spiritual roots.

Blake’s Bard challenges society to recognize this darkness and calls for a return to moral clarity. The Bard sees the “future” and understands that only through spiritual awakening can humans escape from their suffering. The poet, in Blake’s view, is not just an observer but an active force that has the ability to shape the future by revealing these truths.

Stanza 3: The Role of the Bard

The final stanza emphasizes the Bard’s role as a prophet. The Bard not only speaks but also sees the suffering of humanity and the need for redemption. The Bard’s voice, though a message of warning, is ultimately a call for change. It urges humanity to recognize its mistakes and seek enlightenment.

The phrase “The voice of the Bard!” is repeated, which further reinforces the idea of the Bard’s powerful and unyielding message. It is through the poet’s voice that humanity can access the knowledge that will lead to transformation.

Symbolism and Themes

Blake’s use of the “Bard” as a figure is symbolic. In ancient times, Bards were revered for their ability to tell stories and convey messages that reflected the values and truths of a society. In “Hear the Voice of the Bard”, Blake uses the Bard as a symbol of the poet’s role in society—to reveal truths, challenge norms, and inspire change.

The poem also reflects Blake’s Romantic beliefs, which emphasized the power of imagination, the importance of individual experience, and a deep connection to the spiritual world. The Bard’s voice is not simply a voice of reason but a spiritual force that resonates with truth beyond the material world.


“Hear the Voice of the Bard” by William Blake is a compelling call to action, urging humanity to listen to the wisdom of the poet and recognize the spiritual truths that can guide them through a corrupted and suffering world. The poem reflects Blake’s belief that poetry has the power to shape consciousness and awaken people to their higher purpose. Through the Bard’s prophetic voice, Blake conveys his vision of redemption and transformation, urging society to embrace spiritual awakening and moral clarity.

This powerful work continues to resonate today as it speaks to the timeless role of the poet: to reveal the hidden truths of the human condition and to guide society toward enlightenment.

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