A Poem A Day: Everything Is Going To Be All Right Explanation

by Angela

Welcome to Poem of the Day – Everything Is Going To Be All Right by Derek Mahon

Derek Mahon’s poem Everything Is Going To Be All Right is a beacon of hope and reassurance. Written with simple yet profound imagery, the poem offers comfort in times of uncertainty. Mahon, a celebrated Irish poet, is known for his reflective and evocative style. This poem stands out as a reminder that, no matter how difficult life may seem, peace and renewal are always within reach.

Everything Is Going To Be All Right Poem

How should I not be glad to contemplate
the clouds clearing beyond the dormer window
and a high tide reflected on the ceiling?
There will be dying, there will be dying,
but there’s no need to go into that.
The lines flow from the hand unbidden
and the hidden source is the watchful heart.
The sun rises in spite of everything
and the far cities are beautiful and bright.
I lie here in a riot of sunlight
watching the day break and the clouds flying.
Everything is going to be all right.

Everything Is Going To Be All Right Explanation

A Gentle Reassurance

The poem opens with a scene of morning light, birds singing, and the natural world continuing as usual. Mahon describes the simplicity of these moments, reinforcing the idea that the world moves forward regardless of personal struggles. This creates a soothing effect, as if nature itself is whispering a message of reassurance.

The Power of Time and Nature

Throughout the poem, Mahon emphasizes the healing nature of time. He suggests that difficulties are temporary, and even after a storm, the world continues. The repetition of the poem’s title in the final lines reinforces its message: even in chaos, things will settle, and hope will remain.

Simple Language, Deep Meaning

One of the strengths of this poem is its simplicity. Mahon does not use complex or obscure language; instead, he relies on clear, vivid imagery to convey his message. This makes the poem accessible to all readers, allowing its meaning to resonate deeply with those facing hardship.

A Universal Message

While Mahon may have written this poem with personal or historical contexts in mind, its message is universal. It speaks to anyone who has experienced doubt, fear, or sadness. The poem serves as a reminder that no matter how dark the night, morning will come, and life will continue.


Everything Is Going To Be All Right is a poem of comfort and resilience. Mahon’s words remind us that we are not alone in our struggles and that brighter days lie ahead. Through simple yet powerful imagery, the poem reassures us that, despite difficulties, everything will eventually be okay. This timeless message is why the poem continues to resonate with readers today.

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